Exploring the Potential of Brain Implants in Treating Dependency

The Promise of Brain Implants in Addiction Therapy

Addiction is a complex and debilitating disorder that affects millions of people worldwide, often leading to devastating consequences for individuals and their communities. Traditional treatment approaches, such as counseling and medication, have shown limited success in managing addiction, highlighting the urgent need for innovative interventions. In recent years, researchers have turned to cutting-edge technologies, such as brain implants, as potential tools for treating addiction.

Otago Daily Times // Eileen Goodwin

Brain implants, also known as deep brain stimulation (DBS) devices, have primarily been used to treat neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease and epilepsy. However, scientists are now exploring their application in addiction therapy. These implants work by delivering electrical impulses to specific regions of the brain involved in addiction, modulating neural activity and potentially disrupting addictive behaviors.

One pioneering study featured in Smithsonian Magazine highlights the promising results of DBS in treating addiction. Researchers conducted trials on individuals with severe substance use disorders, targeting the nucleus accumbens, a brain region associated with reward and motivation. By stimulating this area with electrical pulses, participants experienced reduced cravings and improved control over their addictive behaviors, offering a glimmer of hope for those struggling with addiction.

Challenges and Considerations in Implementing Brain Implants for Addiction

While the potential of brain implants in addiction treatment is exciting, several challenges and ethical considerations must be addressed before widespread implementation. Firstly, the long-term effects and safety of DBS for addiction remain largely unknown. The brain is a highly complex organ, and altering its activity with electrical stimulation could have unforeseen consequences.

Tremplin Numérique // Tremplin

Additionally, the cost and accessibility of brain implant therapy pose significant barriers to its adoption. DBS procedures are invasive and require specialized medical expertise, making them inaccessible to many individuals, particularly those from marginalized communities. Moreover, the high cost of implantation and maintenance may limit its availability to those with financial means, exacerbating existing disparities in healthcare access.

Furthermore, ethical considerations surrounding consent and autonomy are paramount in the use of brain implants for addiction. Questions arise regarding the extent to which individuals can freely consent to undergoing invasive procedures, especially when grappling with the challenges of addiction. Ensuring that patients fully understand the risks and benefits of DBS treatment and providing adequate support throughout the decision-making process are essential ethical considerations. In conclusion, while brain implants hold promise as a novel approach to addiction therapy, significant scientific, ethical, and logistical challenges must be addressed before their widespread adoption. Collaborative efforts between scientists, healthcare professionals, policymakers, and ethicists are crucial in navigating these complexities and realizing the potential of brain implants in transforming addiction treatment.

39+ Habits to Start That Will Keep Your Health Strong After 40

These Habits Will Keep You Healthy and Strong

Having a healthy lifestyle is necessary throughout your life. But the older you get, the higher your need to learn and maintain healthy habits. Once you touch 40, taking a good look at your routine and knowing all the daily doings you need to swap out for your health is very important. From your workout routine to your daily diet, here are some habits you should take up for a healthy body and mind.

Aerobic Exercises

Aerobic exercises are excellent for the over-40 club because of their low intensity and wide range. They can be done every day, even if you tire easily.

Aerobic Exercises

They don’t take much from your body in the name of energy, letting you partake in them regularly. Some aerobic exercises that you can opt for include swimming, dance classes, and walking.

Prepare Carbs With Protein and Fats

Balancing your carbs is a must not just after your 40s but throughout your life. But after a point, it’s more important to ensure they’re not taken alone but with something like proteins or fat.

Prepare Carbs With Protein and Fats

This is important because when eaten alone, carbs are turned into glucose by the body faster. High glucose levels lead to an insulin spike and a subsequent crash, making you feel hungry more often and earlier.

Don’t Skip Meals

Eating frequently and on time is a rule of thumb for anybody looking to form long-term habits that benefit their body. Frequent meals keep your energy up and your metabolism revving.

Don’t Skip Meals

If you skip meals, you’ll also end up overeating and losing your energy. This habit, wherein you eat regularly and healthily, sets you up for a lifetime of strength and health.

Don’t Avoid Fat

Yes, fat in food has gotten a bad reputation and is automatically associated with something that isn’t to be touched, but that’s not true. It’s not how much fat you consume that will affect your body, but the kind of fat that you eat.

Don’t Avoid Fat

Instead of binging on junk food fat, eat healthy fats like avocados. Such fats are essential in keeping your body healthy and smoothly running in the long run.

Include Breakfast in Your Meal Plan

We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but that doesn’t mean everybody is into it. However, even if you don’t fully love breakfast, it remains vital to a healthy daily diet.

Include Breakfast in Your Meal Plan

Skipping breakfast can lead to extra consumption of calories when you finally eat because of the hunger spike. Opt for a carb breakfast paired with either protein or fat, like avocado toast or eggs with bread, for the best output of energy throughout the day.

Take Mental Breaks

Stress can be a significant problem for healthy living, and knowing the tips and tricks that work for you to manage them can be life-changing. One of the easiest ways to take a break from stress is to schedule a mental time-out whenever the stress overwhelms you.

Take Mental Breaks

Go for a walk, listen to music, or press play on your favorite Friends episode. For those 20 minutes, take a breath, relax and forget about your emails, your laptop, or the 20 errands waiting for you.

Work on Reducing Stress

While some of these habits are light suggestions, this one is actually pretty serious advice. Stress not only hinders the ability to live a happy, well-rested life, but it can also cause a multitude of health issues.

Work on Reducing Stress

There’s no specific age to feeling stressed, but learning how to manage as you grow older is extremely important. Cortisol, the stress hormone, can wreak havoc on your body, negatively impact your mental health, and cause many more problems.

Make Eating a Mindful Practise

Yes, we all love to sit in front of the TV and quickly scarf down our meals in between breaks, but there are better ways to eat. This habit is very easily acquired but not the easiest to break.

Make Eating a Mindful Practise

But break it, you must! If you’re distracted while eating, it becomes a mindless job that your body doesn’t register, leading you to eat poorly and often end up overeating. A 15-minute time frame for peaceful eating is a must.

Be Your Champion

While we’re taught to be giving to others, there’s actually nothing wrong with standing up for our own needs, too. You can apply this at any given point in your life – remember that your biggest champion is you!

Be Your Champion

Standing up for yourself will let you live a more peaceful and healthier life overall. Want to avoid going to a party? Say no. Learn to carve time for yourself between friends and family and give importance to your needs.

Proper Sleep Is Important

Sleep is essential for a healthy and functioning body, and not just for you to dream about unicorns and dragons. A proper amount of sleep equals a well-rested body and mind.

Proper Sleep Is Important

Lack of sleep can stress your body and put you at risk for emotional and physical conditions. Proper rest for six to eight hours every night results in you recharging your body and mind and being able to go about your day better.

Say No to Sugar

Sugar is the ultimate pleasure, but it can also be your worst enemy. Most people love sugary items and consume quite a lot throughout the day in different forms, like coffee or cupcakes. However, reducing sugar in your diet can be very beneficial.

Say No to Sugar

Excessive sugar intake in the long term can lead to heart disease, amongst other problems. Reducing sugar in your daily diet will make you safer in the long run and give your mind a boost to work without the sugar rush.

Eat a Pound of Produce

If you aim to stay healthy internally and externally, this is a great habit to incorporate into your life. Eating a pound of produce daily is recommended by the World Health Organisation. We know it sounds daunting, but it’s really not as difficult as you might think.

Eat a Pound of Produce

For example, a large apple can easily make up for almost a third of your required intake. Things like beans and tomato sauce also count. This will help you stay healthy and keep you energetic.

Hydrate in the Morning

If you love reaching for coffee or tea first thing in the morning, change your habit immediately! Replace that cup of joe with a cup of water!

Hydrate in the Morning

Hydrating first thing in the morning is essential to getting all your cells working properly again after a good night’s sleep. Since your body is composed of 60% water, giving it that hydrating boost in the morning can make for a good day.

Add a Strength-Training Routine

Don’t be afraid of lifting weights as you’re moving up the age ladder. Hold onto regular strength training exercises to keep your muscle mass and bone density up.

Add a Strength-Training Routine

Opt for a strength training routine at least twice a week. This will help maintain your strength, achieve a leaner body with a higher metabolic rate, and burn calories throughout the day.

Protein, Protein, Protein

Your dietician, trainer, doctors, and friends who believe themselves to be gym bros — none of them can stop saying one thing over and over. The entire game is based on your protein intake.

Protein, Protein, Protein

With a proper protein-rich diet, your muscles will sustain, and your recovery post-workout will also be faster. A good idea to measure protein intake is to aim for 0.8 to 1 gram of protein for every two pounds of weight.

Apply Sunscreen

This is one thing that every dermatologist recommends following every day, no matter how old you are, and there’s a good reason for it. Sunscreen is essential at all ages as it helps keep your skin healthy and prevents aging, but in your 40s, it becomes even more crucial.

Apply Sunscreen

Sunscreen helps you protect your skin from UV rays. The market currently has a wide range of sunscreens available, so take your pick and start applying and reapplying everyday day — yes, even on those cloudy winter days.

Ready, Set, Go in the Morning

Who doesn’t love hogging the covers an extra 10 minutes in the morning, just snuggling deep inside the bed and drifting back to dreamland? But that’s not a good habit at all!

Ready, Set, Go in the Morning

Learn how to hit the ground running every morning. If you’re up, flip the covers and tell yourself to get ready, set, and go. This habit will help you approach every day with new energy.

Stock Your Pantry With Intention

Gone are the days when you walk into a grocery store and pick up whatever suits your fancy, from the chocolate chip cookies to the cheesy nachos. Once you’re in your 40s, everything that you put in your body needs to be carefully thought through.

Stock Your Pantry With Intention

Purchase what you have to bring to your house with thought because it will ultimately end up in your stomach. Practicing these small nutritional habits can make a big difference in your eating habits.

Regularly Visit Your Eye Doctor

Even if you have 20/20 vision, regularly visiting your eye doctor is very important after a certain age. You’re more likely to get glasses at that age. Hence regular checkups are a must.

Regularly Visit Your Eye Doctor

Eye exams can also pick up on other possible underlying health conditions. So, a visit to the eye doctor now and then is a habit you must teach yourself.

Take Up Stretching

One of the easiest and most effective ways to keep your body moving is to stretch regularly. And no, we don’t mean the stretching you do every morning when in bed.

Take Up Stretching

Stretching after a workout is very important as it keeps injuries at bay, helps with possible muscle pain, and improves flexibility. Stretching also helps maintain a good and ideal posture and prevents aches and pains.

Wear Sunglasses Regularly

Sunglasses are more than just a fashion accessory for you to put on when you step out. This eyewear lets you see in the sun, keeps you from squinting, and protects your eyes from UV ray damage.

Wear Sunglasses Regularly

Wear high-quality sunglasses whenever you step out, whether in the summer or winter. Be sure to start this practice before you hit 40. The sooner, the better.

Keep Tech Out of Bed

Technology is a necessity now, and people’s smartphones are almost an extension of themselves instead of a device. But one of the most adverse effects of technology is on our sleep patterns, mainly because it dramatically disrupts sleep.

Keep Tech Out of Bed

Learn to keep the tech gadget you use out of the bedroom for better sleep and life. Pick a great book instead of your phone an hour before bed and see what a difference it makes to your life.

Add Nuts to Your Diet

Nuts are some of the best kinds of foods that you can eat, full of rich nutrients and other benefits. Dieticians love adding them to a diet because they’re medically proven to be associated with healthier living.

Add Nuts to Your Diet

Snack on these instead of going for another slice of pizza or ordering a French fry. You can add them to other things like oat bowls, smoothies, or salads. Eating nuts daily has long-term benefits you will only be thankful for.

Learn How to Meal Prep

By age 40, you’ve probably realized that cooking every day is a complicated job, especially if you’re working full-time. So, one way to ensure that your food is healthy and homemade without the hassle of everyday cooking is through meal preps.

Learn How to Meal Prep

Salad dressings, oats, chicken, etc., are just some of the many things you can prepare for three to four days worth of meals in one go. So no more excuses to pick up a cheeseburger on the go.

Pay Attention to Your Gut Health

Your gut health is essential in determining the overall health of your body. Good gut health keeps inflammation at bay, helps with being healthy, and keeps your body up and running.

Pay Attention to Your Gut Health

Opt for prebiotic and probiotic-rich food to ensure a healthy gut. Foods like yogurts and asparagus are great options for this. Avoid artificial sweeteners and other food that can lead to your gut not working correctly.

Keep Positive Company

The people you spend time with greatly influence your day and your outward attitude in life in general. Negativity is contagious, and the more time you spend around negative people, the more it’ll drain into your life.

Keep Positive Company

Associate with positive people instead of the ones that drain your energy. Positive people will inspire you and empower you. They’ll help you improve and see the best in everything.

Nurture Close Relationships

Having close relationships with people in life can be a great source of comfort, happiness, and inspiration. Especially as you get older and meet fewer people, having a stable group of friends to count on can be extremely good for your health.

Nurture Close Relationships

Social solid relations impact your mental health, and their presence dramatically increases the chance of a long life. Whether it’s your biological family or your chosen one, make sure that the people around you are a source of comfort and love.

Get Annual Body Check-Ups

Annual Physicals are a must as you age to detect any underlying problems or diseases plaguing the body. It’s always better to detect any upcoming issues and take action immediately than wait until it’s too late.

Get Annual Body Check-Ups

An excellent way to always remember to schedule your appointment is to do it during your birth month so that you remember. That way, you know that at least once a year, you’re getting looked at and checked.

Take Up Travel

If you spend your 20s and 30s hustling to get a steady and good income, your 40s can be your chance to travel more often. Travel keeps your mind and body active and fresh; by the time you hit 40, you have a lovely nest built for this reason.

Take Up Travel

Vacation can reduce stress, open your mind, and give your body a much-needed break. Plus, they’re just fun! So, book your next stay at a relaxing or exciting spot soon!

Invest in Good Clothing

Fast fashion is something many people in their 20s are guilty of buying. When you’re younger, you look for new and exciting things to wear for every other party, so you go through cheep clothes quickly.

Invest in Good Clothing

However, as you grow older, learn to shift your focus from buying more to buying better. This will ensure that every piece you own has been chosen with care and intent to last. Give your body the fabric it deserves and invest in good quality clothing.

Buy Good Workout Gear

Making sure to invest in some good quality things goes for the workout gear that you own, too. Workouts can be challenging, but uncomfortable clothing can make the experience much worse.

Buy Good Workout Gear

When you go workout gear shopping, choose your pieces carefully. Whether the shoes for your weight training or the flashlight for your next hike, good workout gear can change the experience entirely. The more comfortable you are, the better you’ll be able to concentrate.

Have Your Water Handy

Hydrating is essential not just in the morning but throughout the day. Growing older only increases the need for water intake, as your body retains more water the older you get.

Have Your Water Handy

No matter the season, water is something that you can’t skip. So, it’s best always to have your bottle of water handy. It not only helps in combating water retention but also in digestion and clearing up the skin.

Practice Mindfulness

The practice of mindfulness helps you connect to your surroundings and be present in the moment instead of being buried under stress or living on your phone. This tool is essential for a healthy mental balance and can help you be more in tune with your life.

Practice Mindfulness

You don’t have to do high-level stuff like meditation to be mindful. Something as simple as paying attention to your meal can help you be more cautious in your daily life.

Keep Learning Something New

One of the easiest ways to keep your mind and body active and always feel young is to keep learning new things. This keeps your brain busy and lets you recognize new passions and interests in life.

Keep Learning Something New

If you stop growing, your life will end up stagnant, which is terrible for your mental health. Pick up something as simple as learning how to paint or try your hand at swimming.

Express Gratitude

Expressing gratitude daily can be a great and easy way to appreciate the good in your life. All you need to do is sit for a minute or two and write something you’re grateful for in your life — it’s that simple!

Express Gratitude

It adds perspective to your life, giving you a clear view of all you have to be thankful for. Maintaining a gratitude journal or a jar is a great way to incorporate this practice into your daily life.

Unplug Regularly

Technology has recently moved from being a novelty to a necessity, and most people find it hard to get away from the constant blip of notifications. If you’re one of those, make it a standard practice to start unplugging at regular intervals.

Unplug Regularly

Constant screen exposure can mess up your sleep, increase stress levels, and strain your eyes. A break now and then can help you reset and give you much-needed protection from screens.

Keep Your Feet Active

It’s not enough to do one workout a day and spend the remainder on a seated surface. Keeping your feet active is necessary to keep the blood flowing and the body functioning. Constant sitting can lead to back pains and postural issues over time.

Keep Your Feet Active

Set a goal, like 10,00 steps daily, to keep yourself moving. It keeps you healthy and gives you a sense of accomplishment every day.

Give Yoga a Try

Yoga is one of the most tried and tested practices when it comes to exercise, especially as you grow older. It has a multitude of benefits, both physical and mental.

Give Yoga a Try

Not only does yoga keep the body flexible and strong, but it also provides the mind a chance to calm down and help you feel relaxed. The long-term benefits of yoga are many. It’s a proven stress buster and a great workout option, too.

Plan Something to Look Forward To

One of the best ways to keep your energy up and your life interesting is to schedule events or things to look forward to. Circling a date on your calendar is a definite way for your brain to know that you have something in the pipeline.

Plan Something to Look Forward To

It doesn’t have to be something major, like a wedding or a trip. Something as small as waiting for the next release from your favorite author can get you excited to get up in the morning.

Take Advantage of the Morning

It’s been said that early to bed early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise. This saying has a definite grain of truth and should apply as you grow older.

Take Advantage of the Morning

The early morning is a refreshing time. It helps you start your day on a positive note, and you get to soak up the excellent sun rays that give you Vitamin D. Walking early in the morning can set an energetic tone for the entire day.

Switch to an Electric Toothbrush

Most dentists have now started recommending switching to electric toothbrushes for a good reason. These brushes have proven more effective in cleaning plaque and keeping your gums healthier.

Switch to an Electric Toothbrush

Electric toothbrushes are available at different prices and ranges, so you can pick the kind you want. Initially, this might be an expensive switch, but your teeth will thank you later.

Practice Meditation

Meditation is not everybody’s cup of tea, but once you start incorporating it into your daily routine, it’ll be highly beneficial to your mental health.

Practice Meditation

Meditation helps you connect to everything outside and inside, giving you a moment of quiet in the otherwise fast-moving world. Meditation helps manage stress and anxiety and enables you to ease into a mindful state for your day.

Laugh as Much as You Can

This healthy habit will cost you nothing and give you everything. Laughter is contagious; it’s uplifting, and it’s joyful. Everything about it is designed to make you happy.

Laugh as Much as You Can

Laughing is healthy for the body and the mind. It gives the brain a boost of the happy hormone. It reduces stress and improves overall health. So, the next time you see a funny cat video, don’t forget to let loose some giggles!

Anaerobic Exercises

Just because you’re opting for a more low-intensity workout doesn’t mean you should cut off anaerobic exercises from your life. High-intensity activities, like HITT or CrossFit, can be challenging after a certain age but should be included in your routine.

Anaerobic Exercises

They are highly beneficial for keeping fit and building muscle and power in your body. Once or twice a week, hit the gym and sweat it out the best you can.

Alternate Between Standing and Sitting

Your muscles are paying the price if you have a job that needs you at a desk throughout the day. This sedentary lifestyle is the root of most chronic diseases as it increases inflammation.

Alternate Between Standing and Sitting

Opt for a standing or treadmill desk if you want to switch it up. If that’s impossible, remember to pepper in a micro-break to walk or stretch every once in a while. This will give your body a chance for some movement.